Snippets and snapshots from our north Florida farm.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving to You!

Snippets, snapshots and tales from our north Florida farm.

Well hopefully the first bit of fall stopped our new crop of aphids, army worms and other caterpillars, leaf footed bugs, and various sizes of grasshoppers.  With frost cloth, landscape fabric, blankets, sheets and a shirt and skirt or two, we saved most of all the summer crops still producing.   Every year I plan to build a hoop greenhouse to grow warm season crops in winter and cooler weather crops in of these years it WILL happen, I just know it!  Until then, yep, it will stay on my Wish List.

We also have a Sultan chicken just hatched this week 7 babies, a duck sitting on eggs with pet ratties almost 4 weeks old, ducklings 3 weeks old, zebra finches just hatched so yeah, it must be spring, right?
If you would like to learn how to garden in this north Florida area, and would like to volunteer, please contact.  We could always use extra hands planting, weeding, building, clearing, harvesting, etc.  Some volunteers work an hour, some more, some less!  This week a volunteer cleared a garden patch for more lettuces, kales, swiss chard, beets, etc.  I always tell her she's such a hard worker and that she is.  A big Thank You to Leslie!

This week more garlic, onions, greens, cabbages, kales, radishes, Brussels sprouts, carrots and more were planted on our weekly succession planting schedule.

Everyone should learn how to grow and this area isn't the easiest.  You may be amazed at how much one can grow in a 5' x 5' area or you may want to create an outdoor room or two to beautify your world.  Soon we'll send out a notice to sign up for Little Eden's Gardening How-tos so stay tuned!

Happy Thanksgiving folks, be Thankful for everything, taking nothing for granted as it could be taken away from us in a moment!

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV)

Ron and Annette Layton
Little Eden Heirloom Farm
Crawfordville, Florida