Snippets and snapshots from our north Florida farm.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

2015 Availability List - May 27 Update

Spring has sprung with a lot of great organic produce. Extras will be taken to the Organic Growers' Market at Lake Ella today. We should be there around noon and leave around 6 p.m. We'll have
yellow squash
zucchini squash
stir-fry greens
collard greens

Frozen squash pre-order notice: Note that we are processing extra zucchini and yellow squash into shredded and thin slices to freeze. $6 quart bag which measures 1 lb. Great for adding to soups, stews, making your own breads, etc. Email us at and let us know how many you want along with your email address and where you will be picking them up at. I'll send you an invoice through Square, the company who handles our credit card transactions. Prepaying with credit or debit card is required unless you are a member of our CSA Farm Family. Farm Family members can pay when you pick up your CSA share. The following week of delivery/pickup we'll have them waiting for you in the cooler.

Other goodies at the Farmers' Markets we'll have breads of
Blackberry Banana Bread
Banana Chocolate Chip
Zucchini Bread
Vegan Wholewheat Cookies
Gluten Free Brownies
Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies
Fresh herbs
Dried Basil

Newsflash! We'll also have fresh made tasty peach preserves! $6 half pint. They are low sugar so you can take the fruit and not have the sweetness overpower it. Fresh made, tasty and makes a great gift!
Can you guess what the other photograph is? Well, I looked on the Internet for more ways to preserve eggplant and stumbled upon a recipe for the eggplant jerky. They say eggplant jerky tastes a little like beef jerky, and a little like bacon. Well, we shall see! If it tastes good, we'll offer it at the Market tomorrow, hope to see you there!

Ask about our CSA Farm Share program!  Help support our Little Eden and other area organic farms, it's a win for you and a win for us small farmers.  Two convenient Tallahassee pickup locations, Mondays and Wednesdays and if you are located in Crawfordville, we have a weekly delivery route. 

Ron and Annette Layton
Little Eden Heirloom Farm
~Always Heirloom~Always Organic~
1067 Lower Bridge Road (now Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Road)
Crawfordville, Florida 32327

We are closed from Friday at 4 p.m. until Sunday morning.

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Telephone: 850-274-7690