Snippets and snapshots from our north Florida farm.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Another Year Almost Here!

Our 2016 year is looking bright as we continue our focus of establishing our property into more heirloom organic edible forest gardens which incorporates the maximum use of fruit trees with various herbs, vegetables, fruits, and flowers underneath.  We are hoping to start our next projected project soon of bee hives so to offer our own raw organic wildflower honey while they work for us as pollinators.  This week I hope to find time to contact the folks that own the woods to the east of us and to the south of us to see if they would be interested in selling all or a portion of their woodland at monthly payments with no money down so we can expand our efforts of providing healthy non genetically modified food to all that want it.  Our plans are to have as soon as the Lord sees fit, a 50 +- acre farm.  This year we have had classes in farming and baking to teenagers that have never been exposed to where their food comes from and/or how it is grown or made so we want to expand on the lack of interest that was seen in those kids' eyes when they arrived vs. how excited they became when they were able to hold chicks, hear the turkeys gobble, etc.,  plant seeds and turn flour into squishy dough and then into beautiful loaves of bread to enjoy.   A petting zoo and classes will be fun for kids and adults alike. 

Thank you again for a great 2015!

Ron and Annette Layton
Little Eden Heirloom Farm

Happy New Year Sale - Shiitake Mushrooms

Wow, where does the time go?  Hi there!

Our New Year's gift to you! We've been blessed with a large harvest of Shiitake mushrooms. Harvested yesterday and they are on sale at $10 lb., regular $14 lb. Please send us an email at or call us at 850/274-7690 with your order.

You are welcome to order a half pound, etc., and can pay at pickup. If you want to pay online or in person with a credit/debit card, we can do that to!

For those that are members of our Farm Family, we'll bring your order to you at delivery. Otherwise, if you want to stop by our self service stand, let us know and we'll be sure to have your order ready for you.

Thank you!

Ron and Annette Layton
Little Eden Heirloom Farm
850/274-7690 or 850/296-5358
1067 Lower Bridge Road
(now Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Road)
Crawfordville, Florida 32327