Just a few hours old...her's sleepy... |

Plants are looking great; along with planting for sprouts and micro-greens, we are busy planting seeds in flats for outside planting in September...yes, September is just around the corner. Outside we are still planting as well, plants that don't mind so much the heat, i.e., beans, Seminole pumpkins, etc.
Please contact us for chicks, ducklings and guinea keets. Pre-order early as our incubator is always full. Information and Prices:
Day Old Chicks - Large breed egg layers. Mixed flock of Americauna, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, French Copper Maran, Black Giant, Sex-Link, and more. These chicks my be purebred Rhode Island Reds, Americaunas, or Barred Rocks. $3 each (10 or more $2.50 each)
Day Old Ducklings - White Layer Duck - This is a hybrid duck, it is created by crossing different purebred ducks with the best egg laying abilities. These ducks are egg machines, they happily lay an egg nearly everyday. Seven eggs per week per duck for weeks and then she'll skip a day or two. Their molting time is short, seems to be every few months for a few days. Heat, Cold doesn't seem to matter. ... Hence the name Layer. This is the second generation so I don't know if these babies will lay as consistently as the original, I'm sure they're egg laying capabilities will not disappoint. If I had to mention a downside to this breed it would be that they may not be the best as backyard city ducks. the hen....she talks and talks and talks...always got something to say....loudly...

Day Old Guinea Keets - Mixed flock of colors! These birds produce a large number of colors from regular speckled, to purple, tan, grey, pied; I'm always anxious to see what new color is popping out the shell! Great bug eaters and security alarms. $8 each (10 or more $6 each).
We thank you for your support of our Farm and our Mission.
Ron and Annette Layton
Little Eden Heirloom Farm
Crawfordville, Florida
Email: littleedenheirloomfarm@zoho.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/littleedenheirloomfarm
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/littleedenheirloomfarm/
Guinea Keets wondering about the new sights and sounds. |
Hatchings - Guinea Keets and White Layer Duck - just a few hours after hatch! |
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